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City Bikes

About Us


Bike Walk Des Plaines works to improve conditions for citizens by making walking and biking safer and more convenient in our City. 
As a community-driven organization we promote walking and cycling for transportation, fun and fitness while seeking to raise money and awareness for new,  safe and expanded infrastructure and streetscapes, These improve accessibility and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. 
We accomplish this through advocacy, educational programs and bike rides from urban areas to nearby parks and recreational facilities.  
BWDP was founded to inspire, empower, motivate, and mobilize members of the local community to challenge themselves, to work as a team, and to make a positive impact in support of a healthy and clean energy future.

Projects and Activities:


Annual Bike Ride

We organize a family friendly ride along the Des Plaines river trail, followed by food, music and games.


Cumberland Terrace Park Bridge

On July 1  2021 we were delighted to be part of the opening ceremony for this link between two popular city parks. The bridge connects communities and opens up new transportation options for local residents.​

Bike Walk Des Plaines was involved in the early days of this project and has worked with the local community and government to help see it realized. 


S - Curve Cycle and Walking Path 

A much needed  improvement, this would offer safe access to downtown for travelers coming from the north-west side of the city along Northwest Highway. 


Traffic Light Timings

Sometimes they are just badly set up. We work with the city to have them adjusted so they are safer and sensible for  everyone.


Bike to School  Days 


Bicycle Repair Stations


Do you have a project you would like to see done in your neighborhood?

Let us know!







  • Serve as a clearing house for ideas for bike and pedestrian-related improvements

  • Encourage and foster education for riders and motorists

  • Encourage biking and walking for recreation and transportation

  • Serve as a conduit to City Government to make them aware of community support for bike and pedestrian issues, safety concerns, and potential improvement to streets and paths

  • Identify and support manageable number of specific achievable improvements.

  • Identify relevant authorities; evaluate feasibility

  • Stay abreast of construction projects in order to assure that bike- and pedestrian-friendly measures are incorporated

  • Fund community outreach programs on the health benefits associated with biking and walking

  • Host Charity Bike Rides and other bike related events



Cities are erected on spiritual columns.  
Like giant mirrors they reflect the hearts of their residents.  
If those hearts darken and lose faith, cities will lose their glamour."
~ Shams-I-Tabrizi (1145-1248)

Share your thoughts!





BikeWalkDesPlaines wants to hear from you about advocacy for bicycles, pedestrians.


​© 2021 by Bike Walk Des Plaines

Photo Credits Stan Kotecki

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